Have a great time instagramming your protest with that inspirational tagline regarding the “light you’re finding in this darkness”. Screw you. Where have you been for the past 4 months?!
I live in deep-blue country, and I barely found a community of proud Hillary supporters. In 2008 and 2012, there were Obama-Biden stickers on every bumper. This time around, I would only see 1 or 2 per day! PER DAY! All of you glamorizing your #notmypresident protest as you set fire to the streets will be VERY disappointed that the romantic story you’ve fantasized about for the past year will still end in a President Trump. Assholes. Where were you as Hillary was building a coalition? Where were you for the Get Out the Vote campaign--the “grassroots” label that you could’ve shared with your social media followers?! You’ve all been so eager to feel alive, because of your cushy, privileged lives--that the mere idea of “blowing it all up” became your solution. Your beloved Bernie warned you about a protest vote… and yet you dared to go over the edge, so that you could feel alive. I am so sick of seeing the very people on Facebook, the ones over-sharing how disappointed they are at the turnout of this election, be the same ones who have continuously posted about their disillusionment in the choice of candidates. The very same ones who posted #imwithherbegrudgingly or the ones who wrote long manifestos [on or before Nov. 8] about how they voted for her but hated it. I want to punch your face every time I see that you’re "interested" in yet another protest in the streets or you post how you and your friends are healing through this pain. Do you know when you ACTUALLY could’ve had a chance to not have Trump be #notmypresident?! 3 days ago--at the polls--with a vote for Hillary. For the past 4 months, you’ve been dragging your feet--like a quintessential spoiled brat. You couldn’t get behind the most qualified candidate, because she’s been around since before you even understood how government worked. And as the true hipster that you are, you obviously couldn’t be into something where you weren’t the first to make it cool. Because of your emo attitude and your inability to have real opinions [lest you lose followers], you have spread the apathy that caused a President Trump. How lucky of you to have never actually experienced oppression in your lives that you could irresponsibly spread your apathy. You pushed 3-million-plus people to have to come together secretly on Facebook. You say that Hillary didn’t do enough to court you. WHAT?! Fucking educate yourselves and join us in reality. Actual children’s & families’ lives are at stake. This isn’t Tinder or OkCupid. Hillary isn’t going to write the most kick-ass, unique profile to court you. You actually just have to do your own research, because you're voting for a PRESIDENT, not your next date. You saw your choices. You knew how this election process has worked for 240 years, and you knew how this election would work since we haven't had any changes to the process [yet]. You had to choose, ENTHUSIASTICALLY. If you were dragging your feet--you were part of the problem. You don’t get to not take responsibility. We get it, Bernie didn’t win the nomination. You were mad. You wanted to pout… and pout you did, for 4 months. You played chicken and minorities & women lost--but hey, now you get to play hero in your perfectly curated social media feeds as you set fire to the streets and protest. I hope all of your pictures get over 100 likes, so that you don’t have to question your choices. If Bernie had won the nomination and Hillary supporters acted like you--guess what, we’d still have President Trump. You see, it’s not the KKK faction of the United States that ruined this. Duh, they exist. It’s the fact that your spread of apathy normalized not caring - enough so, that we couldn’t stop them. Now, you’re asking us to protest with you. You’ve fantasized about a revolution ever since Bernie convinced you that we’d have one. Idiots. Do you really think there’d be a revolution when most (if not all) of you brats pride yourselves as foodies and urbanites, and own multiple apple products?! Have you actually traveled? No--not where you traveled abroad, stayed with people from the same backgrounds and drank at different “taverns” on cobble-stoned streets. Revolutions don’t happen when the populace gets to choose to starve [by going out for tapas and going on juice cleanses]. It’s not an injustice that you haven’t found yourself, and that you’re bored with your 9-5 job. Grow up. Be an actual liberal and work for the common good. Change is slow, and change is hard. It’s not just something to give you an adrenaline rush. We’ve all been chipping away at it and really had some gains under Obama. We suffered through 8 years of Bush to get to where we were Nov 7th. Your apathy only served YOU, so that you didn’t have to take responsibility for the outcome of this election. Well--fuck you. I blame you. You spoiled brat who needed to feel alive and gambled away all of the progress we made.
AuthorMiranda Mayes is a writer. ArchivesCategories |